I have lived in the Brighton Pavilion constituency all my life. I have always voted Conservative.

I will not be doing so this time – not because I have left the party. The party has left me.

I am now totally disillusioned with the political class. Yet our forefathers died in order to give us the freedom and democratic right to vote.

I completely understand why there is such apathy among the electorate but I strongly believe it is our public duty to vote.

I have no time for those that don’t vote then continually moan and protest.

Perhaps it is time to have a box on the ballot paper marked none of the above.

Then what choice am I left with? I could never bring myself to vote Labour. Their record in power speaks for itself.

The dear old Greens live in this idealised world that just does not exist and hopefully never will.

The lunacy of our Green council will definitely lose Caroline Lucas votes.

My lasting memories of her term are waving placards, getting arrested and wearing inappropriate clothing in the House of Commons.

The Lib Dems will be annihilated at national level, perhaps unjustly, but it goes to show you can’t promise the earth in a manifesto and then ditch your principles for power.

Which leaves me with UKIP. Other candidates say they are never mentioned on the doorstep.

Are you surprised, the way they are vilified? Just because you are against immigration does not mean you are a racist.

Try thinking of the demographic nightmare of 75 million people on this small island.

Our infrastructure is already crumbling. The EU is a failed project. The Conservatives say they will give us a referendum on our membership.

Well they promised that last time. They are not going to get an overall majority so we won’t get one this time.

So, for what its worth, this is where my protest vote will go.

Yes, there are a few fruit cakes among them but what political party doesn’t have some unsavoury characters?

Plus, I haven’t got to worry about them running the country because they will not get enough seats.

But I will wager this. They will get quite a few more than the Greens.

Chris Dunford, Woodbourne Avenue, Brighton