IN 2010 Brighton Pavilion showed that a different kind of politics is possible – that you can stand firm by your principles and still be elected.

I couldn’t be more proud to serve such a creative, vibrant, innovative city. I’m deeply honoured to be able to represent you again.

Friday’s outcome in Brighton Pavilion is the result of so much work, by so many people, over so many weeks, months and years.

It’s the result of my constituents making their voices heard. I want to thank you for your wonderful support over the past five years and for putting your trust in me again.

Local media is a crucial element of any democracy and every election, in enabling every voice to be fairly heard, and rightly scrutinised.

I would like to say a sincere thank you to our Brighton Argus for displaying such balanced and respectful coverage throughout the campaign.

As I write this, we don’t yet know exactly what our next Government will look like.

But whatever its colours, I promise to always stand up for you.

As an MP free of the party whips, I can put my constituents first, and whether it’s on our NHS, the cost of living, our schools, the environment, affordable housing, or public railways, I’ll do my very best to do you proud.

And that work starts now.

Amid the sharpest austerity cuts in modern history, I promise to stand up for families who are being pushed to the edge (and over it), to stand up for a truly public, properly protected NHS – with patients back at its heart – and to press for urgent climate and social justice.

A strong, independently-minded Green voice in Parliament is more urgent than ever. Thank you so much for voting for it.

Caroline Lucas
Re-elected MP for Brighton Pavilion