“Haribo or Maoam?”

Being handed sweets as the audience enters a piece about bulimia is a clever way of referencing the binge aspect of the disease instantly with a sense of joy. This set the tone for Time To Talk To Jane.

This one woman show written, devised and performed by Jenny Kondol deals with bulimia with frank honesty and beautiful emotionality. Too easily this piece could have been too dark or too emotional, instead Jenny balances the piece perfectly.

We are introduced to the showman Jenny at the start and as the piece develops the faux-happy demeanour drops and she talks more and more intimately with us.

She touches on how very familiar feelings of self-doubt and want to have control can snowball spectacularly. She shows rather than explains the effects of a devastating and debilitating disease with its outpourings of self-hatred, suicidal thoughts and vicious cycles, then smashes the tension with humour, kindness and sheer humanity.

Being aware of how heavy the material is Jenny looks after the audience, keeping a constant humorous dialogue going, and changes the dynamic from victim to inspirational.

Save a few minor technical points, this piece is spot on and beautifully effective. She has opened a dialogue for this disease, now let’s hope people take advantage.

Five stars