Does it matter what political party people belong to? If there is a valid reason why the tuk-tuks are unsafe (Letters, April 16), the public should know about it and then be left to make their own minds up if they wish to use them.

I suggest Debbie Lunn Labour candidate for Westbourne ward is the one who is trying to make political gain here sucking up to the public.

Let's have all the facts before we start risking people's lives.

Yes, tuk-tuks may be fun, so are the rides on the Palace Pier, but I would still like to know all the nuts and bolts are tight and those operating the machines know what they are doing.

I don't care who does the checking, if the tuk-tuks are joining the public transport arena let's make sure the ground is level for all who operate there. If there is going to be competition, let it be fair.

  • David Grey, Capel Avenue, Peacehaven