A woman who threatened a neighbour has been ordered to stay away from her.

Vivien Glyde must also pay Patricia Peters £100 compensation for assaulting her.

Glyde, 52, made the threats and damaged the door of her neighbour' s home in Downland Drive in Hangleton, Hove, in May last year, a court heard.

Rajesh Pabary, prosecuting, said there had been "animosity"

between the two women over an incident three weeks earlier.

He said Mrs Peters was asked to collect her five-year-old son from a supermarket Glyde had taken him to.

Mr Parbary said: "Glyde turned up at Mrs Peters' front door on May 6 and there was an argument about what had happened three weeks before. The argument was over allegations in a text about the defendant kidnapping Mrs Peters' son.

"Patricia Peters was punched in the face causing her to fall back and hit her head.

"Glyde went back to her flat and as she did so she threatened to kill Patricia Peters, smash the cars up and kill her cats."

Police were called and Glyde was arrested and later released on bail.

A week later they were called again when neighbours heard Glyde shouting and throwing things from her flat window towards Mrs Peters' front door.

Mr Pabary said a marble rolling pin was pushed through the letter box and Mrs Peters was again threatened.

Glyde was charged with assault and putting Mrs Peters in fear of harrassment.

She denied the charges and was due to stand trial at Hove Crown Court last month.

She changed her plea to guilty after the more serious charge of making threats to kill was withdrawn before the trial started.

Glyde, who now lives in Bolney Avenue, Peacehaven, was ordered to stay out of Brighton and Hove until she was sentenced yesterday.