A website has been launched by traders today to make it easier for people to shop, eat and drink in Brighton and Hove.

Uniquebrighton.com has been funded by the Brighton Business Improvement District (BID) and consists of more than 380 specialist shops, bars and restaurants in the North Laine, North Street and The Lanes.

Visitors and residents can find out about special offers, discounts and events taking place and the website will be updated on a regular basis.

Yesterday, (WED) nine traders from the North Laine, North Street and The Lanes gathered in the BID area to launch Uniquebrighton.com.

Stuart Wilkie, chairman of The Lanes Business Network and owner of children's shop Charlie Barley, said: "We are thrilled to be a part of the website launch, and the BID in general. Anything that encourages more custom to the area is a big plus for us."

The Brighton BID was introduced in September last year to improve the visitor experience, create a safer environment and attract more custom to the area.

Traders in the BID fund on-street security patrols which provide an information service, offering advice and assistance to people visiting the area as well as dealing with antisocial behaviour on the street and shoplifting on business premises.

For more information go to www.uniquebrighton.com