Westbourne is a strong Conservative ward which is unique among urban seafront areas in that it has not been represented by Labour councillors.

Little is likely to change this year, although both Lib Dems and Labour have their eye on the area.

Brian Oxley, hard working leader of the city council opposition group, and his colleague Denise Cobb have been vocal campaigners against the King Alfred development.

Parking problems and graffiti are two other issues they have worked on over the past four years.

The Lib Dems have been putting in some work in this ward but are unlikely to take seats.

They have organised a post office petition and are fielding Howard Spencer, who is raising heritage issues, and Clive Jarvis.

Labour normally come second in this ward and used to target the seat in the Nineties but it would be a surprise if they make much progress this year, with resources and attention directed towards marginal seats. They will be represented by Alan Robins and Debbie Lunn.

The Greens finished bottom last time but will hope their success in other urban areas will rub off here. Ollie Sykes and Louisa Greenbaum are standing for the Greens.