Louise Markandy's letter concerning mixed wards at Worthing Hospital (Letters, May 16) interested me as I also recently spent a short time in Coombes Ward.

It was just over two weeks ago and for a moment I thought she may have been referring to the same period, but I think not.

She says she did not enjoy the experience but fails to explain exactly what were her complaints.

The gentleman who shut himself away probably did so as the result of feeling unwell and he may well have done so in any case had he been in an all-male environment.

My experience was quite different to Ms Markanday's. The six of us - divided equally male and female - got on extremely well, exchanging anecdotes, good humour and reading material.

No one appeared the slightest embarrassed or upset. It was similarly my first experience of a mixed gender ward and I quite enjoyed it.

After all it is surely the treatment and medical care that really matter and I for one could not have asked for more from the nursing and ancillary staff on Coombes Ward.

  • Gordon Atkinson, Upper Shoreham Road, Shoreham