Artists Valentina Gomez and Victoria Wainwright's talents were showcased together at this intimate art exhibition in which the artists display a combination of collage, mosaic and screen-printing.

In doing so, they create a colourful display of original pieces with a slight resonance of the work of Andy Warhol united with the inventive ideas of Damien Hirst.

The use of the shoe image is perhaps the most impressive, with a copy being screen-printed on several canvases, but a variety of different inspirations prove effective, including as graffiti and block colour styling.

The New Steine Hotel and Bistro proved to be a small but effective venue for viewing this work, an ideal presentation for fans of pop art and the likes of Elsa Schiaparelli.

  • Until May 28, 10am-6pm, free.Call 01273 709709