A HOSPITAL worker is jetting off on the holiday of a lifetime after winning £25,000 on a charity lottery.

Eastbourne District General Hospital neurophysiotherapist Debbie Soave joined the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance superdraw when a canvasser called at her home last year.

The mother-of-three from Willingdon, near Eastbourne, thought nothing more of her £8-a-month subscription until she received a call telling her she had won the top prize .

Mrs Soave is now planning a trip to New York to celebrate her daughter’s 21st birthday in March.

She said: “I’ve never won anything before and it couldn’t have come at a better time. We’ve been saying how nice it would be to take my daughter to New York for a few days, and now we can.

“I’ve only been a member of the air ambulance lottery since June and I just saw it as a donation.

“It’s a lovely sum of money to win and it will allow us to do many things with it.”

Mrs Soave has donated some of her winnings back to the air ambulance, which relies almost entirely on donations.

She said: “I believe very strongly in local charities because a lot of people don’t realise how important they are for the services they provide.

“The hospital rehabilitation gym I work in was built and equipped by our fantastic League of Friends so I am reminded on a daily basis about the vital role that they and other charities, such as St Wilfrid’s Hospice and the air ambulance, play in supporting the NHS.”

Mrs Soave is the air ambulance’s first £25,000 winner this year and the second superdraw winner from Eastbourne.

Last September another lottery member scooped £11,025.

The charity’s regular lottery costs £1 per week and there are 12 winners drawn each week with prizes ranging from £25 to £1,000.

For an extra £1 a week, players can join the superdraw which has a maximum jackpot of £25,000.

To join the lottery go to kssairambulance.org.uk/lottery or call 01622 833833.