A FOUR week old fox cub had a lucky escaped after becoming trapped between a garden wall and a garage.

East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service (WRAS) wase called to a properly in Bexhill following reports after being alerted by another rescue organisation.

WRAS founder Trevor Weeks and rescue manager Chris Riddington went to the house in Albert Road to assess the situation.

Mr Weeks said: “The cub had obviously been exploring and had wedged himself in with nowhere to move.

“The gap was so narrow we couldn't get loop of the dog graspers in place to lift him out easily.

“The poor cub was in some discomfort and the team did well to keep calm and hold their nerve in a very stressful situation for all involved".

Rescuers from both WRAS and Bexhill wildlife rescue used a thicker dog grasper as a support under the cub to stop him becoming more stuck and gently tried to push the cub upwards towards rescuers hands.

They were eventually able to lift him farm enough for someone to grab him and pull to a big enough space to get him out.

It took more than an hour to rescue the frightened animal during the incident on Monday (may 9), but Mr Riddington suffered several bites to the hand during the process.

Mr Weeks said: “Back at WRAS's ambulance I gave first aid to the cub for a graze on the cub’s foot, but otherwise he was in good condition, not injured and could go home.

“The cub was placed over the wall into the neighbouring garden where there is a den under a large shed and other cubs were seen running back under the shed when rescuers first arrived.

"The whole rescue was a really difficult situation but team work from all those involved paid off and rescuers were able to get the cub back to its home.”

To finish the rescue off, the team placed a board in the gap between the wall and the garden to prevent any other animal becoming stuck in future.