Gypsy Moidart is the manager of The Friend’s Shop in St James’s Street, Brighton. It is a charity shop supporting local hospitals

What is your favourite place in Sussex?

Cuckmere because it is free. I really like the scenery there and the fresh air. I like the open spaces, I really do.

What do you love most about living in Sussex?

The community as most people here a friendly.

What advice do you have for your 12-year-old self?

I would have told myself to move to Dorset when you get the chance.

What is your most valued possession?

My wedding ring actually. I got married five years ago to the head of The Lady Boys of Bangkok. He is the one with all the costumes and I used to travel to watch it quite a lot. It is good fun.

What is your biggest regret?

Coming to Brighton in 1993 with my second husband. It is just too crowded here and it is getting dirty. I feel like it has gone downhill and have noticed it over the last five years.

What is your biggest fear?

I would have to say getting old really.

What is your proudest achievement?

Having my four lovely children. They are all grown up now.

Which five people (living or dead) would you invite to your fantasy dinner party?

I would say the local MPs and politicians as it would be interesting to see them get into debates and fight it out.

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