SIXTY staff from The Body Shop in Littlehampton have offered their support to help decorate a new building for victims of domestic abuse.

Safe in Sussex is based in Worthing offering support to people experiencing abuse.

It provides vital out of area confidential refuge for those in immediate danger and early advice through its successful Freedom Programme.

It is opening Amber House this autumn in Littlehampton and Safe in Sussex was thrilled when staff from The Body Shop became involved.

Amber House will offer a new approach to supporting people experiencing domestic abuse at the earliest stage possible.

Instead of a refuge hidden in the community, Amber House will be visible and recognisable, and able to offer a full range of services all under one roof.

The aim of this assistance is to stop domestic abuse through working with the whole family.

Jimmy Beenie from The Body Shop organised the 60 staff volunteers from all departments to give their time to help paint both the house and the drop-in centre.

This not only speeded up the proposed opening time for Amber House but also meant Safe in Sussex could then also use precious funds in other vital areas of the project.

Jimmy said: “It was really great to be able to get involved in such a worthwhile cause.

“All of our volunteers were keen to play their part in making the project a success for our local area.”

The house has been converted into living accommodation for up to five women with a shared lounge area, large kitchen and family bathrooms.

Amber House also benefits from a small, courtyard garden area leading to a drop-in centre with private meeting space for confidential discussions.

Through Amber House, women and their families will have a safe place to turn to.

With dedicated and trained staff on hand, they can seek the support they need to re-build their lives within their community so they are not parted from family, friends, schools or other essential links.

The house will be professionally protected working closely with the police just like the other refuges do, as safety will be the highest priority.

The Freedom Programme is a 12-week rolling programme for any woman who wants to understand the reality of domestic abuse and learn about the tactics used within an abusive relationship.

This is done by focusing on different personas of the dominator (abusive person) and comparing their behaviour to that of the friend (non-abusive person).

The aim of the Freedom Programme is to help women gain self confidence to improve the quality of their lives and live free from abuse.

The Freedom Programme is free to attend and is delivered in various locations in West Sussex.

To find out more email or call 01903 231069.

The Recovery Toolkit runs for 12 weeks and is suitable for women who have already attended the Freedom Programme.