BRIGHTON and Hove Albion’s official charity is encouraging those who have set themselves fitness goals to combine them with raising money for its work.

Albion in the Community has a number of charity places still available for challenge events coming up over the coming months and is hoping local people will use AITC’s award-winning work as inspiration to maintain their resolutions.

The charity has places still available for the Brighton Half Marathon on Sunday February 25 and the Brighton Marathon and BM10K which both take place on Sunday April 1.

AITC is also looking for supporters to sign-up for its next European cycle challenge, which this year takes place from Thursday June 7 and Sunday June 10 and ends in the beautiful German city of Cologne.

Money raised helps fund the 25 regular football sessions that AITC runs across Sussex for people with a disability, which are attended by more than 250 people.

Emma Brockhurst, AITC’s fundraising events executive, said: “Lots of people set themselves resolutions at this time of year, including many who opt for a physical challenge, such as going out running more often, or visiting the gym more regularly.

“It can be easy to let your positive New Year habits slip, but one good way to keep up with your resolutions is to combine them with supporting or raising money for a charity.

“What better way of motivating yourself to go out running than knowing that by doing it you will be helping a good cause?”

The charity also has a range of health programmes aimed at people who are looking to make positive lifestyle changes or stay active.

AITC’s next Shape Up at the Stadium course gets underway on January 22 and takes place each Monday evening between 6.30pm and 8pm.

It is aimed at men who live or work in Brighton and Hove.

For more information you can email