YOUR correspondent Mt Lloyd (Argus letters, April 20) conveniently forgets to mention in his list of arms suppliers the Russians who have been keeping the Assad terror machine well supplied with missiles etc.

He also conveniently ignores the fact that

Assad and the Iranians trained and supplied with weapons the terrorist insurgents who tried to destroy the fledgling democracy in Iraq after the fall of another vicious dictatorship.

Both Syria and Iran could not countenance another democracy in the middle east, they were scared that their populations would also want freedom and a chance to cast off dictatorships.

Most of the rebels fighting Assad simply wanted a form of democracy to flourish in

Syria, a dream which looks like dying for lack of support from the West.

Mr Lloyd uses the word" alleged" when mentioning the chemical weapons attack in Douma, if he is so sure it never happened can he explain why the Russians and the Syrians did not allow the chemical weapons inspectors in to have a look there for so long.

I for one applaud the destruction of the chemical weapon facility in Syria and if it saves the life of only one Syrian child it was worth it.

I wonder whether Mr Lloyd as a pacifist would have approved of this country's fight against Hitler, or maybe he would have wanted proof that Germany had actually invaded Poland and that it was not a ruse by those wicked armament manufacturers to sell more of their products.

As for George Orwell, he fought in the Spanish Civil War against the fascists so he believed in a just war and was willing to fight on the side

of good against evil.

Jeff Stanford

