LAST MONTH I sent an email to all 54 councillors at Brighton and Hove City Council highlighting the deplorable state that Brighton has got into, particularly the vandalism of tagging, and asking that all the councillors work together, with relevant partners to ensure that cleaning up Brighton gets a high priority in all that they do.

I was asking for goodwill to work together to make our city again one that I am proud to take my visitors to.

You may be interested in the response.

Only 11 councillors replied, all of whom agreed that there is a significant problem borne out by their own experience and by similar complaints they had received.

However, of the 11, only three were doing anything specific to deal with the issue, the others all blamed someone else, usually the opposing political party and/or City Clean.

Surely, civic pride should rise above party politics, that’s why we vote councillors in to get something done, not to score points.

I hope you article on graffiti gets a better response.

Gregory Parish Brighton