A CASH-STRAPPED charity is asking for funds and volunteer support so it can continue providing experience days for sick children and their families.

The not-for-profit organisation Forward Facing was set up by Tasleen Carstairs in Brighton and Hove in 2008.

She became seriously ill with cancer and died in 2014 and her friend Candice Konig, who was working as a flight attendant at the time, promised her friend she would keep the charity going and has devoted 70 hours a week for the past four years as its director.

She has been organising events like donkey picnics and football sessions for children affected by life-limiting illnesses, as well sending parents on spa days and to sports events.

But the charity urgently needs funds to meet demand.

Candice said: “Things have been going really well, and we have received Comic Relief funding in the past, but we’ve run out of money.

“We need to raise funds for our core costs so the charity can grow as the number of families who come to us for help is dramatically growing due to word of mouth and referrals from local hospitals and hospices

“We recently started organising days for diabetic children, which is close to my heart because I have suffered with diabetes since I was a child and it’s really hard.

“We’re the only charity doing many of the things we do and it’s so important we can continue.

“The children we help often tell me they have had the best day of their life.”

The charity is also looking for companies to provide food and cakes or fund parts of our events, as well as volunteer fundraisers.

Tasha Newman, 27, from Brighton, who has epilepsy and three brain tumours which cause hearing and sight issues, said: “I feel bad for my daughter, Aylah, as I can’t always get up and organise fun things for us to do.

“But Candice has been there for me since day one and the work she does puts a smile on Aylah’s face and allows us to make memories and meet other families like us.”

Forward Facing holds an annual Memory Making Day for the families they help at the Brighton Dome. Last year nearly 100 children attended.

The charity’s main supporters are Montefiore Hospital, Enterprise Car Hire, Mindlab International, Sainsbury’s in New England Street in Brighton, Hill Barn Golf Club in Worthing.

To donate or fundraise, go to justgiving.com/forward-facing.