Last week Brighton’s up-and-coming wrestling promotion, Riptide, held a tournament to crown its first champion. The winner of that tournament? The man you see pictured. His name is Chuck Mambo, he’s called the gnarliest man in professional wrestling. Jamie Walker caught up with him to find out about his title win, and his online vlog series Escaping The Midcard

Chuck Mambo, you can officially say you are Brighton’s first pro-wrestling champion. How does that feel?

It feels super duper sweet man. So cool to know because I really think Riptide is going to become huge in the future – as big as they get I will always have been their first champ. That’s awesome. This year has really been way more of a breakout year for me and I really think a massive part of that was the great talent that Riptide have been putting me up against since they started last year and those matches piquing the interest of other fans and promoters and really pushing me up to the next level. But yeah, it feels great.

What was the moment the final bell rang like? When did it all start to sink it?

In all honesty from what I remember I had a kind of super adrenaline burst and just shouted for a bit and then the weekend of wrestling and particularly that match caught up with me and I just lay on the floor. Not to mention the heat. Oh my days. A streamer went past which, when I realised people were throwing streamers, was mad flattering but before that I thought I was seeing colours from all the knocks. Before I knew it everyone was in the ring and I was up on Tristan’s shoulders and it really did feel like a super special moment man.

The crowd seemed to be backing you the whole way through the tournament, how big was it for you to have that support?

The support from the audience was super motivating and reassuring and flattering man. Particularly in a place like Riptide, one of the first companies where I’ve really proved my worth as a wrestler I suppose, staying undefeated in singles matches etc. So they had good reason to believe in me, and I really wanted to live up to their faith in me. One dude even said he’s getting a turtle tattoo if I win. The support, and especially the reaction will definitely stay with me for life dude.

Of course we have to also mention the fans flooding the ring, how much fun was that for you?

Oh wow. The fans flooding the ring was so mad. Like I say I was a bit you know, unaware of things because I was so knackered and before I know it everyone’s running in the ring and just seeing how happy everyone looked was so, so cool. Then Tristan who got me up on his shoulders and I think one of the best things in the world about wrestling is creating those really epic moments.

And that was most definitely a real epic moment. I would like to say though, as cool as it was, a sincere apology to Rev Pro whose ring we accidentally bent under the weight of the celebration.

Do moments like that show how behind you the fans are and how eager they are to see these wrestlers they love succeed?

I think the best thing about moments like that is that moments like that are real. You can jabber on and on about your perspective on wrestling but the emotion is real. And that was real. And I hope it will be a happy memory to those fans for as long as it will for myself.

The Riptide fans took to you from day one, what do you think it is that gives you such a close connection with the fans?

I think the Riptide fans really come to the show to have a great time and I wrestle to have a great time, so I suppose it’s our shared sense of fun that got us off to a good start. I might be wrong but I feel like I’ve grown over the time that I’ve been at Riptide and they’ve been there with me seeing me grow ya know so I think that probably makes it all the more special.

What have you liked about Riptide as a whole? And wrestling in Brighton?

There’s all sorts to love about Riptide. I know it sounds so much like what I would say but the fans really are sick. They bring such a sense of fun to the show you know. They’re a real dream to wrestle in front of.

It’s also sick how proactively inclusive the company and fans are and the emphasis on making sure everyone’s having a great time.

The company really take care of us too. I feel so spoilt back stage with all the stuff they provide for us. And my lord, shout out to Mark the physio who surely got me through the tournament.

You can see how much they value the newer talent in Brit Wres in their booking too. They’ve developed a really strong midcard who have just this weekend moved up to the main event. It’s really sweet to feel that valued and invested in.

You took part in four Riptide matches over three days, then went on to Rev Pro on Sunday too, how tired were you by the end of the weekend?

I find wrestling really energising. I could wrestle all day every day I think. Because its the best thing in the world.

I did have a few little niggles mind you that I was glad to give a rest by Sunday night, and we did celebrate on Saturday.

So, yeah it was pretty sweet to hit the sofa with my lady friend and a tub of Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey (best vegan ice cream ever) on Sunday night.

Now that you’ve got the title the next chance you’ll have to defend it at Riptide is in November, what do the intervening months have in store for Chuck Mambo?

There’s a good few bits and bobs between now and November, I’m debuting at Hope wrestling this Friday which I’m excited for, and there’s an Attack weekender in memory of Kris Travis after that, that should be really special, beyond that I don’t have the foresight to know sorry.

But I should imagine it involves a lot of wrestling and I hope it includes a bit of camping. And of course, me and Teeks [TK Cooper] will keep blasting out #ETM [Chuck’s Youtube show, Escaping the Midcard].

Do you have a plan on how you’ll be representing Riptide and Brighton with the title?

I really want to make the title mean as much to all of Brit Wrest as Riptide means to me. The game plan for that, I’m not quite sure just yet, I guess I have a bit of a chat to have with the Riptide guys but I’d like to make it the most relevant title that I can.

What’s going to make Chuck Mambo the gnarliest champion in pro-wrestling?

Time will tell. I’m excited to see what the future holds but I will happily defend it against anybody, the harder the defence the better. I guess because the title means so much to me, what’ll make it the gnarliest reign of matches is going balls to the walls every single time.