A WOMAN who sold a pair of her daughter's trainers on eBay with £1,000 mistakenly stuffed inside has had the cash returned by an honest student.

The student, Ella Gilman, 19, found the money in an envelope which had been mistakenly left inside the trainers by Brighton eBay seller Laura Hazeldine.

Honest Ella who is a student at Manchester Metropolitan University got in touch with Laura as soon as she found the money so she could return it.

Within 25 minutes Ella transferred the money back to Laura. Stunned Laura said: "I hid the money in the house and I was convinced I had lost it."

She told the Daily Mail: "She had the money in my account within 25 minutes of speaking to me.

"I am absolutely blown away. Her honesty means so much more to me than just returning the money. 

"If I was wealthy I would do more for her. I am going to contact her university because people should know what a genuine person she is.

"I don't think many other people would have contacted me to say they had £1,000."

Ella said: "My reaction when I saw the money was total shock.

"I opened the shoes and found an envelope stuffed in the shoe. 

"I thought if I had lost that substantial amount of money I hope someone would return it to me also."