It is not often you can walk out of somewhere having had a good old-fashioned singalong and yet still feel a smug sense of intellectual superiority.

Maybe it was something to do with the large number of kids in the diverse audience. They were fascinated mostly by Hegley's range of facial expressions, while the older members of the crowd chuckled at the dark comedic subtexts.

Armed with a ukulele and two books of his poetry, Hegley cut an amusing figure and put on a show with pace, wit and style.

The singalongs Clapping and Luton Bungalow, a bitter tale of Hegley's childhood home, sat comfortably next to ditties about Torbay bus drivers falling for each other and poems about his reviled brother-in-law, childhood sweetheart and the rhymes of the letter "E", all capped off with the excellent Poem De Terre.

This was a great performance by a uniquely talented comedian.