The acting headteacher of a primary school criticised for losing staff has spoken about how it has been turned around.

On Monday, The Argus reported how 12 members of staff and two governors had left Marshlands School in Marshfoot Lane, Hailsham, since it was rated inadequate by Ofsted a year ago.

On Tuesday acting headteacher Karen Bye said the departures were part of a process of improvement at the school, which is currently in special measures.

She said: "It had to happen.

"People have left for a variety of reasons which I cannot go into but changes are inevitable in this situation."

Mrs Bye said she was optimistic that results next summer would show a clear improvement at the school.

She pointed out Ofsted's monitoring report published this week had spoken positively about improvements to teaching, behaviour and leadership at Marshlands.

She added that the school was due to have new buildings completed before Christmas which would make a significant difference.

Mrs Bye said: "Very real progress is being made.

Everybody involved, from governors to staff to parents and East Sussex County Council, is really committed to raising standards and expectations here."

She said: "We have been going through a period of change following the Ofsted report.

"Things have had to change to get the school out of special measures.

"I now feel everything is in place, all of the changes which needed to be made have been made and we now have to get that to impact on achievement."

The school has another year to prove to Ofsted that it can move forward successfully.

If it fails to do so it could face closure.

East Sussex County Council said both Marshlands and White House Primary, another Hailsham primary school in special measures, were making real improvements.

County councillor Rupert Simmons, responsible for schools, said: "Both schools are going through a period of considerable change and huge efforts are being made by staff and the governing bodies in partnership with ourselves to raise standards.

"Clearly much remains to be done but all concerned remain committed to continuing the work to raise standards and expectations at both schools."

The council said Ofsted monitoring reports of the schools were positive about the improvements made so far.

Do you have a child at Marshlands and do you think things have improved at the school? Tell us below