How wonderful to see Rolling Stones guitarist and Witterings resident Keith Richards joining the protesters campaigning to prevent the downgrading of the hospital in Chichester. Well done to actors Christopher Timothy and Patricia Routledge as well.

These celebrities can probably afford private health care. I'm sure Keith Richards had to go private for his total blood transfusion.

Nevertheless they were prepared to take to the streets to show their support. If only more celebrities used their fame and their media pulling power to this effect.

Celebrities have such a power over opinion they have a real chance of getting things done. If only more of them were interested in local issues and were prepared to come out and put their faces where their hearts are.

It seems to me that the lack of interest in local and central government is getting worse among young people. If only they could sense the power that they have to change their environment and local services for the good.

To judge by the way some young people treat their facilities, namely the parks and recreation grounds they seem to have no idea that it is their parents who through taxes have to pay for removing the graffiti and repairing their sports grounds.

So who is going to be the first celebrity to step up and join the local council. I want to see Fatboy Slim on Brighton and Hove City Council's planning committee, then we might see some fireworks with what is to be done at the King Alfred site.

  • Martin Coulsden, Leicester Villas, Hove