Hazel O'Connor is instantly likeable. Funny, engaging and open, she looked happy to be here - both at the venue and on the planet.

From the tone and content of her new songs, it is clear that Ms O'Connor is a woman who has experienced much in life and has emerged with a wealth of material that exudes mellowness and depth.

The old attack was still there, however, and she gave her all with a spirited performance.

We were treated to old hits such as Will You and D-Days, which were accompanied by celebrated Irish harpist Cormac de Barra and Fionan de Barra on guitar.

O'Connor's throaty voice was in good form and she chatted candidly about her past between songs, coming across as fresh and natural.

The final song of the evening, Walk On Beyond The Breaking Glass, was quite bewitching.

It was a fine set from three fine musicians.