Your article reporting the objections to the royal standard being flown by a local tea shop concerns me enormously.

I had no idea there were so many people in Brighton so desperately in need of getting a life. Something needs to be done for these poor souls.

The primary requirements for a tea shop are fresh tea, served from a pot that doesn't dribble, accompanied by fresh cut sandwiches and enticing pastries. These should be efficiently and pleasantly served in a clean, comfortable and friendly environment.

Mr Daly it seems is well able to provide these. Consequently as far as I am concerned he is entitled to fly whatever flag he chooses over his premises, and any way up he sees fit.

Mr Daly is patently making a fine contribution to the character, vitality and diversity of the city. This is in marked contrast to the traditionalists who contribute nothing, other than perpetuating obsolete and misplaced prejudices.

Fly the flag!

  • Annamarie Hammond, St Andrew's Road, Tarring