I am writing to provide your readers with an update on the current situation at the John Howard Cottages, a situation which has been subject to false rumour over recent months.

First, we would like to make it absolutely clear that the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has not made contact with any commercial developer to discuss the redevelopment of the site. To suggest that we have, creates unnecessary confusion and anxiety for the John Howard residents and is quite simply untrue.

We have, however, been speaking to a number of charities who may be prepared to work with the RCN to secure the future of the John Howard Cottages. As we have said before, this is one of many options that we will be exploring with the residents over the coming months. Whichever option is adopted, the RCN has given a very clear commitment that the interests of all the residents will be protected.

As the trustees of the JHH charity, we have been very open about the facts from the start. The pot of charity money that gives the residents such good rates of rent is running very low. As trustees, we are carrying out our responsibility by working towards a solution that will safeguard the long-term interests of the residents.

  • Janet Davies, executive director Royal College of Nursing