With reference to Jessica Bauldry's article about the turmoil in Upper Beeding, concerning the poll called by Donna Bailey (The Argus, January 30), I was one of the three councillors referred to the Standards Board by this lady for alleged "party" political opposition to her co-option.

This referral was rightly rejected outright, as there is no legal reason why a party member, which I am, should not be free to vote in whatever way I see fit.

With this in mind, Mrs Bailey has every democratic right to fight this election but as an activist associate of the BNP she should not be giving the impression that she is in any way putting herself forward as a caring independent apolitical candidate, nor should she take exception to any vocal opposition that her candidature attracts.

Her presumed membership of the BNP, her promulgation of its abhorrent doctrines, as reflected in the material published on her behalf for the two election campaigns she fought in Horsham last year, is a matter that should not be swept under the carpet just because this is a parish council election. Were she to be successful, then true to form, the BNP would brag about this success to the world at large. This would be intolerably shaming and would be tantamount to bringing the parish and its council into disrepute.

  • Andrew Purches, Hyde Lane, Upper Beeding