Here's one view in Sussex that has changed hardly at all in more than 100 years.

It comes from a postcard of Stanmer Village, then run by the Pelham family but later owned by Brighton Council.

The postcard, produced in 1905, is featured in Stanmer And The Pelham Family, by June Goodfield and Peter Robinson (BN1 Publishing, £9.99).

This was a momentous year for Stanmer, as the estate passed from the fifth earl, so strictly teetotal he ordered all barrels in the cellar of the house to be broken, to his successor.

The sixth earl was a much more public figure who spent most of his time in London, holding a position in the War Office.

A friend of the Prime Minister Campbell-Bannerman, he moved in high circles and his life was far different from those of rustic villagers who lived in this street.