I thought I'd sleep on it before penning my review of Mayday The Musical, the improvised comedy sketch show and musical.

My companion thought my first draft (composed during a particularly low point of the show) a little harsh, and reminded me that the actors had mothers too. Here is the censored version.

First of all, hats off to The Maydays for having the guts to get up there and do their thing.

Improvised comedy, let alone an improvised musical, must be incredibly difficult.

But how any comedian worth their salt can say "number two" in a sewer setting and fail to make a joke out of it is beyond me.

Perhaps I'm being unkind. A fair proportion of the audience were laughing, as were the actors, and I overheard the ensemble being described as "talented" as well as "ghastly" as we left.

I wish someone had let me in on the joke.