Hidden in the fittingly purgatorial bowels of Komedia's studio bar, this claustraphobic double header about guilt and redemption offers a thought-provoking shot across the bows for those of us who hide behind a uniform.

The traditional paradigm of feted soldier and hated traffic warden is subverted as parking attendant Gerry wakes up to find himself held in a bear trap by vengeful Falklands veteran Thomas.

While the end twist is mildly unsatisfying, actors Doug Devaney and James Weisz share a darkly comic synergy - think early Cooke and Moore - for an engaging, tense 45 minutes on a pared-down stage (decorated with cuttings from The Argus).

Devaney - who hit the headlines last year when he was ordered to warn audiences his show featured a real roast chicken - does a nice line in character acting as the shell-shocked soldier trapped in the dichotomy of tormenter and tormented.