Yes, Alan Nunn, we do need another bank holiday for England (Letters, May 1). However, let's balance the summer up. July would be a much better time. We have one a month, almost, throughout the summer.

The last weekend in May counts for June, then there is nothing until the end of August - the last of the better weather days.

So what could we have a bank holiday in July for?

We should celebrate our oldest friends' national holiday - US Independence Day on July 4.

Politics apart, the majority of us in this country favour holiday destinations in America. And no matter who is in power either side of the pond, we have remained good friends. It was our first colony to fly the nest to independence.

We can benefit from this by reaffirming our long friendship, and to have that extra day's holiday when we should be able to enjoy the better weather during midsummer.

  • Ray Fletcher, High Street, Brighton