Shazia Mirza has, as my dad might say, a bit of a bee in her bonnet.

About being Muslim, about being female, about the crapness of Primark - you hum the tune and she'll rant about it.

Rare, however, are the occasions when it appears much more than bravado masquerading as polemic.

For a start, most of her targets are of the candy-from-a-baby variety.

Swipes at chavs or Heather Mills are as rewarding an exercise as stopping someone in the street to tell them what day it is.

Similarly, her material on race and religion tends to veer towards obvious and lazily generic stereotypes.

Mirza has some pithy one-liners and flashes glimpses now and again of some real steel. But if she is going to shout, she needs to find something that's worth shouting about.