I feel compelled to put pen to paper to remind people of the benefits of having a man of integrity and compassion, such as Gordon Brown, as our Prime Minister (The Argus, May 7).

Gordon Brown while Chancellor was mainly responsible for the stable economy from which we have all benefited during the past decade.

He is human and he makes mistakes but he is not responsible for world oil price rises or world housing problems. Our unemployment figures have been, and are, the lowest in Europe. Pensioners are cushioned by winter-fuel help, a waiver of TV licence fees and free bus travel. Children's allowances have escalated and babies begin their life with a nest egg of £250.

Surely we have enough intelligence to know that taxes must be levied to provide such benefits, which also embrace a free health service and free education.

Just take the time to calculate by how much your income would be depleted if taxation were lower but you paid the full cost of your present benefits.

In the words of John F Kennedy: "One person with a belief is a social power equal to ninety-nine who have only interest."

I believe Gordon Brown to be such a man.

  • Mary S Coward, Preston Road, Brighton