Brilliant is a show based on all those little distractions that stop us getting to sleep at night. For us adults, this is normally things like mortgage payments, what your boss said in that meeting and whether the Albion are going to win at the weekend, but for children, ordinary objects can be items of wonder or fear.

This imaginative show, devised by Fevered Sleep, encapsulated those moments between sleep and wakefulness and the rich imagery of dreams. It was the third part of a trilogy which looked at everyday events, such as food and water, and made me wish I'd seen the other two.

The show began with the performer Laura Cubitt saying goodnight to the objects around her, all in a desperate attempt to stave off the onset of sleep. Over the next 45 minutes, she chased the moon, was entranced by the possibilities of multiple light switches, contorted herself through torches and danced with the stars before bidding the night goodbye.

What made the show perfect for children was the use of lighting - the whole show uses a minimum of props but derives all its appeal from the way the light is handled.

Judging by the gasps of appreciation coming from the audience the show's devisor and director David Harradine understands exactly what appeals to the young mind - my own son clapped his hands with joy as a moon was chased across the stage and eagerly reached to touch the glitter balls that took the place of stars.

There was some haunting and imaginative music from bassist and composer David Leahy which really enhanced the action - at one stage, he appropriately improvised on Catch A Falling Star.

Perhaps his appearance in a pair of stag's antlers looked a bit peculiar, but that's in line with the text. For some reason, there are a lot of references to stags, not the most obvious nocturnal animal.

This is a show that will strike a chord with any parent who has struggled to get a child to sleep - as well as reminding us of those days when night was a wonderful mixture of terror and excitement, served up in equal measure.