This is a totally unique, beguiling and cutting edge piece of theatre, with all aspects of the production carefully considered, from its staging in the atmospheric Old Police Cells museum, to the casting of four female actors and the use of lighting. Four voices, conversing in semi-darkness, are seeking a resolution. Responding to and supporting each other, the voices rise and fall like waves, their rhythmical flow carrying us forward. The writer Ed Harris has created a mystique around his new piece, with none of the supporting literature signposting the meaning of the play. I will not deliberate on it here, but leave it to the performers to unmask the story, should you ever have the chance to see this show. What I can confirm is that an abundance of talent is behind Total', and is an experience that will resonate beyond the cellar walls, beyond the Fringe and beyond the present. That's worth seeing, no?

TW rating 4/5 Sarah Agnew