He hasn't got the most memorable name, but Australian comic Steve Hughes is an unforgettable live experience.

A former heavy metal musician, his is powerful, intelligent stand-up turned all the way up to 11. He questions everything from the media manipulation of our news to the increasing presence of Big Brother (Orwell's, not Channel 4's) in everyday life.

Even his sillier stuff - material about Boy George's impact on late-1980s conservative Australia ("Do you really want to hurt me? Like you wouldn't believe, mate.") or the British hysteria about weather ("It's not a heatwave! A heatwave is when elephants die. It's just the sun!") - is beautifully written and elegantly, effortlessly delivered.

The comparisions to Bill Hicks are inevitable, but seem to spring mainly from the fact Hughes is angry about subjects worth being angry about.

No hero-worshipping imitator, if anything Hughes is the successor to the late, great comedian's crown.