Many of us have sought the answers to life's problems at the bottom of a pint glass before.

Downing a few pints while mulling over a particularly tricky issue with your mates often seems to solve the dilemma - at least until you sober up anyway.

But now a bunch of ordinary people are getting together to think while they drink on a regular basis with the launch of a new philosophy club - that meets in the pub.

Whether philosophical giants Plato or David Hume would approve remains unclear.

But we are sure French thinker Rene Descartes wouldn't mind them adopting the motto: "I drink therefore I am."

Pam Lelliott, the woman who started the new group in Brighton, said: "Traditionally pubs are the place to discuss some of life's big questions.

"This simply provide an opportunity for people with differing views to come together to express their thoughts without fear of ridicule, intimidation or hidden agenda.

"All that is required is a level of honesty and openness to ideas that might not fit your own."

Philosophy in Pubs (PIPs) started in Liverpool in 2001 and quickly became a hit with the locals, spreading to five other areas of the country within months.

And organisers now hope Brighton's famously open-minded population will lap up the idea.

Surely Brightonians will mention things like the beach, the (sometimes) sunny weather and the plethora of bars, during the first meeting, which has the dauntingly broad theme: "What makes a good life?", on June 8 at Park View Pub, Preston Drove.

It is then on to the deep and meaningful topics of "Why do we believe what we believe?" on June 22 and "What is justice? What makes a just society?" on July 13.

Mrs Lelliott added: "It is a really relaxed and informal way for people to discuss fascinating issues which affect us all.

"There is no agenda at all, just a belief that we should explore life.

"No academic background or qualifications are required - only a passion for enquiry, openness to new ideas and willingness to learn from each other."

It is not the first time pubs in the area have played host to deep thinkers.

Christ Church, Brighton, hold their "Church in a pub" meetings at 7pm on Sundays in the Circus Circus pub, Preston Circus.

There members chew over the issues of the day over a pint or two.

The group have also held meetings in Starbucks before.

In honour of our cerebral chums at Brighton PIPs, we decided to come up with a few booze related philosophers:

Dazed and Confucious
Karling Marx
Nicolo Machia-Beerbelly
Al-beer Camus
Kant you call me a cab?
John Locke-in
J.S Miller Light
Francis Bacon Fries
Simone De Beverage
Plato Chips

Can you do any better? Leave your drunken philosophers below.