The end of January has reached at last and we look ahead to the rest of the year and the traditions that follow. Whilst doing this reflection, it dawned upon me that one of the most famous holidays is just around the corner.

Valentines Day!

But what use is Valentines Day to me I thought. Many others and I have no reason to be celebrating this event and in fact, for some it may make them feel more depressed compared to the adoration they must desire instead.

So why should we associate February solely with love when it just takes up 1 day of the 29 days we have in the month itself?

That’s why I decided to share a list of “National days” within the upcoming month that everyone can enjoy!

Optimist Day – February 1st

February kicks off with something that is bound to make every person’s mental health improve! Every year optimist organizations all around the world work with young people amongst their communities to preach about the benefits of perceiving their life in a different light. This day is also used to recognise those who go out of their way to give support and love to others who may not believe in themselves! I think this is a good way to bring people together that would only have positive results.

Girls and women in sports day – February 7th

Many schools and sports teams celebrate this day throughout the first week of the month but February 7th is the official day. Sport is essential in everyone’s life but most definitely in youth. As everyone knows it builds healthy habits and routines but there is so much proof that it develops confidence and leadership skills.

In a world where male sports are more mainstream, its important to remind and encourage women to keep on working hard at what they do.

Time refund day- February 29th

Would you believe that even though this date occurs once every 4 years people have still managed to create a reason to celebrate? Time refund day involves receiving the hardest thing to get back which is time itself. Many decide to take the day off and try to live in the moment instead of rushing ahead to the next thing we have to do in our labouring time here on earth. This could include doing little things to treat yourself or spending time with someone that you usually don’t get to see.


I spoke to my friend about what she thinks about this topic and she said:

 “I think it would be great if we could promote these dates more as Valentines often feels isolating for multiple people so trying to spread awareness would benefit everyone.”

So why not give these National Days a try? Maybe you may find a way to keep your sanity on the 14th without envying the couples around you!