Dog owners have expressed anger after fireworks were set off across parts of the city to mark Chinese New Year.

Festivities to mark the Year of the Dragon took place across Brighton and Hove and around the world yesterday, with traditional festivities including lion and dragon dances and fireworks.

However, unsuspecting pet owners complained about the loud noises from the fireworks late at night, especially on Brighton beach.

One dog owner from Brunswick told The Argus: “My poor dog was terrified and cr*pped everywhere. It’s damn inconsiderate and invasive.”

Another concerned pet owner slammed the celebrations as “unfair on animals”.

She said: “Several rounds of fireworks have been set off after 10.30pm. Our dogs living in the area are terrified.”

While fireworks should normally be used only between 7am and 11pm, there is an exception for Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year, allowing fireworks until 1am the following day.

The Chinese community in Brighton and Hove celebrated the start of the year of the dragon with a special event at the BMECP Centre in Fleet Street last week.

The event, attended by Mayor Jackie O’Quinn, included traditional songs, dancers and a dragon dance.