A developer has put forward plans for a small scale housing development.

In an application submitted to Eastbourne Borough Council, planning permission is being sought to build three new homes in the town's Old Camp Road. 

One of the proposed homes would be a two-storey house, which would be built on an empty plot of land at 17 Old Camp Road. Planning permission has previously been granted to build out a similar property on this site. 

The two other properties would be bungalows, to be built on garden land to the rear of the new house and its neighbour at 15 Old Camp Road. 

In a design and access statement submitted as part of the application, a spokesman argued the council’s lack of housing land meant the scheme should benefit from the ‘presumption in favour of sustainable development’ set out in national planning rules. This requires planners to approve housing schemes, unless any adverse impacts of doing so would “significantly and demonstrably outweigh” the benefits. 

The spokesman said: “No adverse effects that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of providing housing have been identified. 

“The proposed house on the Old Camp Road frontage (Plot 1) would harmonise with the existing street scene in terms of scale, form, design, site coverage and massing. 

“The bungalows to the rear would not cause overlooking or loss of privacy, and would in effect be hidden by the retained boundary trees and hedgerows. Their form, scale and appearance is in keeping with the established character of the area.”

They added: “The proposal maximises the effective use of a development site in a sustainable location, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and saved Eastbourne Local Plan policies. Permission should therefore be granted.”

For further information on the proposals see application reference 240153 on the Eastbourne Borough Council website.