Hedgehog awareness week will be held next month - and people are being urged to welcome wildlife into their gardens.

From May 5 until May 11, The British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) will be highlighting the problems the animals encounter that put them at risk.

It is asking individuals, councils, schools and other organisations to encourage wildlife to help safeguard the species.

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People are asked to create "hedgehog highways", small square gaps at the bottom of walls and fences to allow the animals to enter and leave the habitat easily.

Other helpful features include log and leaf piles along with wild corners and edges that provide food and shelter.

Clean, shallow bowls of water should be placed around gardens during warm weather.

Ponds can also help hedgehogs if they have escape routes like sloping edges, ramps or half-submerged rocks for them to climb out.

People are also being asked to sign up for free to become a "Hedgehog Champion" at www.hedgehogstreet.org.

The society is hoping to raise funds during the week and has set a goal of £2,000.

Donations can be made at www.justgiving.com/campaign/haw24.

The society said: "This year the charity is asking people to ‘welcome wildlife’ by creating space for wildlife in their own gardens or green spaces and encouraging landowners such as schools and councils to do the same.

"Hedgehogs are a great indicator species – they don’t need an awful lot to survive, so if they aren’t coping well, it means the habitat is deficient and should ring alarm bells for other species, including humans."

Fay Vass, chief executive for BHPS, said: "These small actions to welcome wildlife during Hedgehog Week can help create and link fantastic habitat for hedgehogs. Just a little effort from each of us could make life a lot easier for them.

"If you don’t have a garden yourself, you can still help by contacting public space managers, neighbours, family and friends to ensure they are all doing their bit."