Potholes outside a school are reportedly causing "near-miss accidents".

Adur and Worthing MP Tim Loughton said he is concerned about the "bad" state of the road outside Shoreham Academy in Kingston Lane, Shoreham.

The MP said he had been contacted by parents about the issue and the fact that children had almost been involved in accidents because of these potholes.

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Loughton said: "Nothing infuriates people more at the moment than the state of the road and potholes.

"Outside Shoreham Academy the state of the roads is really bad.

"Some parents came to see me the other day because when cars have their headlights on, they come along, bounce up and down (on the potholes) and people think they are flashing their lights to let them go when they're not, so we've had some near-miss accidents.

"The state of the potholes here is really bad so I've messaged the county council about it."

Loughton said that the West Sussex County Council have been fixing a number of potholes across the region.

However, despite substantial spending, he said there are still "lots" to fix due to weather conditions such as rain and ice worsening the state of the roads.

Loughton also reminded people to report potholes to the council when they see them.

Earlier this month, West Sussex County Council said that it had received over 7,400 reports of potholes in March.

The highways team reviewed these reports and found that 4,500 needed repairing.

The council confirmed that 4,094 of these had been fixed by early April.

More information about how to report potholes can be found at https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/roads-and-travel/report-a-pothole-online/.

The MP also praised the council for their use of "sawn repairs" which involves the edges of the pothole being made neat before they are filled.

This means that the pothole is less likely to return when weather conditions deteriorate. 

West Sussex County Council said: “This is the first we have heard that the potholes have deteriorated more, and we will arrange a further inspection to attempt to complete the repairs sooner.”