Disclaimer: Any views or advice in this weblog should not be taken as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, especially if you know you have a specific health complaint. Prescribed medication should not be stopped or varied without conventional medical advice. Please remember that homeopathic remedies and other health measures should be individually-selected to match the whole person, not just the unwelcome symptom. For chronic, severe or long-standing complaints, or if you are pregnant, elderly or on orthodox medications, seek professional advice rather than self-prescribing.

The arguments for and against homeopathy continue to rage in the media, but patients vote with their feet. Most of our new clients come via word of mouth these days, and it’s not unusual for us to end up seeing entire families – even skeptical family members frequently end up booking in, once they see the improvements their relatives experience.
In my view, the problem for those vehement haters of homeopathy, the self-styled quackbusters, who argue that homeopathic remedies can’t work, is that folk do tend to be able to tell when something is helping them, and when it’s not. It seems to me that if patients feel better, then they feel better.
Another celebrity relies on homeopathy
This week, in a Times Online interview , ex-Who frontman Roger Daltrey explained how he got interested in alternative medicine:
“I had a very, very dramatic experience with my son when he was nine months old. He had gastro difficulties, started throwing up, could not keep any food down and turned into skin and bone. At the hospital, they did every test to him, and in the end they just handed him back to me. My wife and I were in bits. My poor baby. The kid was dying. It was terrifying. I thought, there's got to be something. I'd heard of homoeopathy, so I found a local guy in the Yellow Pages and took my boy there. He gave him some powders. Within two weeks he was putting weight on, keeping the food down. The trouble recurred periodically for a couple of years, but he's now 27, a fit and healthy young man.
“The bizarre thing is that I've got a chiropractor friend in LA whose baby landed up in exactly the same state. He thought he was about to lose him. But I recommended homoeopathic remedies, and he recovered too. That's God's honest truth. Now I bet doctors would say, ‘Oh they'd have got better anyway'. But I can't believe that.
“My experience of alternative medicines is that they all work for certain people. You are unique and you have to find the right thing for you. But, of course, alternative therapy is up against huge vested interests.”
Homeopathy as effective as standard care for eczema, reports GP’s website
This week, too, the GP’s website, Pulse, reports that homeopathy is “as effective” as standard care for eczema, according to a German study of 118 children with eczema . The authors said this trial in primary care provided good evidence for the use of homeopathy for the treatment of eczema and gave a “more realistic picture” of eczema therapy than that seen in a placebo-controlled randomised controlled trial.
In my experience, children tend to respond to homeopathy even better than many adults do, and with orthodox eczema treatments tending to rely on skin-thinning cortisone creams, I’m glad that homeopathic treatment options are being taken seriously, at least in some quarters.
Time for a break
After spending the Easter break moving the clinic to its new home in Hove, it’s time for a proper break, so I’m taking two weeks off, and will be back blogging in late May.

For more information about natural healthcare solutions and homeopathy, visit www.phoenixhomeopathy.com