After the facial rejuvenation massage I blogged about two weeks ago, I’ve been hankering after another spot of relaxation, so I booked an organic facial with skincare and massage specialist, Kirsty Taylor. I don’t usually have facials, because I’m loyal to my natural Dr Hauschka products and I don’t want acid-mantle-stripping and toxic chemicals near my skin, but I was intrigued about the prospect of an organic facial.

Kirsty studied for a BSc in Cosmetic Science, and did her dissertation on the cosmetic industry. When she learnt about the ingredients that go into mainstream cosmetics widely available in the UK (a raft of carcinogens, irritants, corrosive substances and dyes banned in many countries), she was so shocked that she decided to track down an entirely pure and toxin-free skincare range to use in her skincare practice. Unfortunately, though, Kirsty discovered that many of the purer ranges were a bit too gentle, and didn’t deep-cleanse and exfoliate her clients’ skin as well as the ranges which contained dodgy ingredients.

Unwilling to compromise efficacy even for safety, eventually Kirsty tracked down the Australian range she now uses for her organic facials – it’s called Miessence, and boasts that every ingredient in every product is so safe that it’s edible! Using organic cold-pressed oils and no synthetic emulsifiers, the company claims that every ingredient in every certified organic Miessence product is beneficial for the skin – they say that even the preservatives in their products are full of goodness.

My organic facial was extremely enjoyable and relaxing, though I probably chatted to Kirsty more than I should have done. I was touched that Kirsty remembered that I’d told her before we started that my shoulders ached, and incorporated a shoulder massage that really hit the spot. I confessed to being slack about my evening skincare routine if I’ve had a late night out, although I’m always careful to clean my face properly in the mornings, and Kirsty explained why I should always make time to cleanse my skin properly at night, and then should only need a splash of water and a little moisturiser in the mornings, so I learnt something, too.

In fact, Kirsty told me that her clients often use their facials as a chance to learn how to manage their skin, and like to quiz her about what they’re doing wrong, and how to get it right. She obviously knows her stuff, and I was surprised how smooth and bright my skin was after the facial. In fact, when I did a spot of shopping straight afterwards, the assistant in the first shop I visited commented on how great my skin was, and asked who my facialist is!

As I’m always reminding my clients that beauty, youth and vitality comes from within, not from a pot of moisturiser, as regards the Miessence organic range in Kirsty’s hands, I might have to eat my words. Still, at least I know I’ll be safe to eat my moisturiser!

For more information about homeopathy and natural approaches to healthcare and internal vitality and beauty, visit and if you want an organic facial, visit for details of Kirsty Taylor’s skincare and massage services.

Disclaimer: Any views or advice in this weblog should not be taken as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, especially if you know you have a specific health complaint. Prescribed medication should not be stopped or varied without conventional medical advice. Please remember that homeopathic remedies and other health measures should be individually-selected to match the whole person, not just the unwelcome symptom. Seek professional advice rather than self-prescribing if your complaint is chronic, severe or long-standing, or if you are pregnant, elderly or on orthodox medications.