Well one week into the Brighton Festival and it has absolutely flown by!

I was at the press performance of An Infinite Line: Brighton on Tuesday, it was hauntingly beautiful, and a thought provoking meditation about light and the emotional effect it has on a person.

On Wednesday it was the press night for The Bootmaker’s Daughter at St Bart’s Church. It was an atmospheric candlelit promenade that used the epic setting to great effect and had haunting music from The Cardinall’s Musick.

Last night I finally got to see Norman, which everyone’s been raving about. It was a fantastic fusion of amazing animation and dance, I recommend everyone try and see it - it’s on tonight and tomorrow.

Looking ahead, I’m taking part in Rider Spoke at midnight tonight, Michael Rosen tomorrow morning, then The Bell at Wild Park Saturday night. On Sunday I’ll be at Happy Ever After Family Day, looks like the weather will be brilliant so remember your sunscreen!