We are looking for volunteers to be trained to help inform people about epilepsy at Crawley Hospital.

The National Society for Epilepsy (NSE) runs an information network, the EIN, which provides a service to distribute information and give support to people with epilepsy, their families, carers and others in the community. Volunteers are needed at Crawley Hospital to help by training in this service.

As regional manager of the South East EIN, I am encouraging anyone who is interested in giving up their spare time for charity to join our network of volunteers.

Much of the role is about listening in a sympathetic and supportive manner. The aim is that by providing appropriate information, we enable people to better manage their condition. We give comprehensive, specialist training and support for anyone wanting to be a volunteer.

If you are interested in joining the EIN in this capacity or are seeking information about other volunteer opportunities with NSE in the South East area, please contact me on 01273 441401.

Trevor Hutton, South East regional manager, National Society for Epilepsy