The letters published since the Pride weekend have been interesting and revealing. They raise questions which might be interesting to have answered:

  • What is Pride about?
  • Who is it for?
  • What is it for?
  • Does it have a future?
  • Who benefits?

Statistics from Sussex University apparently show that 60% of the people who attend are heterosexual.

What are they celebrating?

A small minority attend in costume: gay men in drag, gay men almost naked and gay women less flamboyantly dressed but making their point. Why? Are they celebrating being separate from society?

A release from being oppressed by the law 20 years ago? Is it a political event? All the local political parties support it. Why? Would it put them in a bad light if they didn’t?

Local traders seem quietly against it. Roads being closed mean their takings are down. There is a problem with litter in the park.

There are more questions to be thought about.

What does Pride do for Brighton’s reputation? Is there a positive advantage in having it? Do we need it another year?

Barry Hewlett-Davies Sussex Square, Brighton