I might well come to regret tempting fate like this, but at this time of year, I’m always reminded how different my health has been in the years AH (after homeopathy), compared with BH (before homeopathy). To a homeopath, early autumn isn't just the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness - it's the most fruitful time to give what are termed anti-tubercular remedies to those patients who are prone to coughs and colds, and especially to patients who have a history of ending up with chest infections like bronchitis or pleurisy. I’ve lost count of the number of patients who’ve reported that their tendency to chest infections has disappeared since having a course of homeopathic remedies, and this has certainly been my experience over the last 12 years, too (at least, so far!).

In my pre-homeopathy days, I used to get cold after cold through the winter and early spring, almost always ending up forced to take at least a week off work each time due to a raised temperature, feeling weak and wobbly, breathless, and with a rattling chest full of foul-tasting green gunk. I’d invariably end up on at least one course of antibiotics, and of course I didn’t know then that these scoured away the good bacteria from my gut like bleach poured down a drainpipe, further weakening my body’s chances of overcoming the virus and any resulting bacterial infection. Before my colds reached the bronchitis stage, I would use endless over-the-counter pharmaceuticals – capsules, powders, syrups, the lot, but they made little difference.

Since starting to have homeopathic treatment back in 1996, though, things have been very different, because I’ve had regular doses of suitable remedies that have a reputation for reducing any deep-seated tendency for colds to go to the chest. In fact, since I started taking homeopathic remedies, I’ve had less than one cold per year (despite frequently spending time in the clinic with patients who have bad colds – my view is that people with colds should take it as a sign from above to have a rest, and stay in bed drinking plenty of fluids, but patients do still struggle in to the clinic when they have streaming colds), and only one chest infection, for which no antibiotics were needed.

Instead, my homeopath prescribed me a homeopathic remedy called Pulsatilla, and I was feeling better within 12 hours of taking it. The Pulsatilla was chosen because, in my ill state, I was desperate for my husband to keep me company while I was laid up, and remembering how horrible I’d felt in the past with chest infections, apparently I was a bit whiny (who, me?). The disgusting phlegm was making me feel sick, and even made me gag, and I felt a lot better when the window was open, even though it was chilly outside – this further pointed to Pulsatilla being my remedy (Pulsatilla feels better for company, and can be clingy and whiny, gets disgusted easily, and feels better for fresh air). Of course, homeopathic remedies are prescribed to suit the patient, not the health problem - there are over 4,000 homeopathic remedies, and the remedy I took is unlikely to be the right remedy for you – so consult a professional homeopath if you need help with winter ailments, and do also get advice from NHS Direct or from your GP’s surgery if necessary, and certainly if you have chesty symptoms that are worsening, have asthma, have a cough that lasts for more than three weeks, or if you’re in an at-risk group.

As well as a course of good quality probiotics aimed at boosting the immune system, and a homeopathic remedy if needed, I often recommend a combination of herbs which seem to help with winter respiratory infections and other viral complaints, including cold sores, called Immune Stim. This contains the well-known herb Echinacea, and a couple of other herbs believed to have anti-viral properties - I last used this just a few weeks ago: one Wednesday, I developed a sore throat at work, and not having time to work out what remedy I needed, or to phone my homeopath in the midst of a busy clinic, I just took a couple of doses of Immune-Stim in water, and the pain was gone within a few hours: a great result, especially as I was just about to go to France on holiday!

For more information about how homeopathy may be able to help with winter coughs, colds and other winter ailments, visit www.phoenixhomeopathy.com.

Disclaimer: Any views or advice in this weblog should not be taken as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, especially if you know you have a specific health complaint. Prescribed medication should not be stopped or varied without conventional medical advice. Please remember that homeopathic remedies and other health measures should be individually-selected to match the whole person, not just the unwelcome symptom. Seek professional advice rather than self-prescribing if your complaint is chronic, severe or long-standing, or if you are pregnant, elderly or on orthodox medications.