A “runaway bride” had her dream wedding after travelling nearly two-and-a-half thousand miles to win it.

Shirie Kearney, 25, from Brighton, managed to talk her way from Brighton to Egypt in just 24 hours as part of a Valentine’s Day competition.

After being named the winner, thanks to a little help from First Choice Holidays in Brighton, the medical receptionist and partner Neil Cutler enjoyed a celebrity-style wedding at Slaugham Place near Haywards Heath.

The day included an all-expenses paid luxurious marquee reception for 100 friends and family and a guest appearance from Britain’s most famous couple “Posh and Becks” - a pair of lookalikes from Eastbourne-based company Celebrity Experience.

Paparazzi photographers also followed the event and the new Mr and Mrs Cutler will receive their own OK-style magazine shoot as a momento from the day.

The chance to win the ultimate celebrity-style wedding was organised by Southern FM radio station and Super Event, a wedding marquee caterer.

After making it through to the final, Mrs Cutler and her twin brother Paul, who gave her away on her big day, were given £30 and told to get as far away from the studios as they could in 24 hours.