I must point out to John Carden (Letters, April 17) that the A259 “sustainable transport corridor” scheme was agreed by the previous Labour administration of Brighton and Hove City Council in partnership with East Sussex County Council.

As an opposition councillor at the time, I never supported the plans we have been left to try to make a success of.

In contrast, I don’t recall MP Des Turner raising any concerns with the scheme at the time it was proposed.

So for him to now complain to Government ministers about it is hypocritical to say the least.

I have no problem with installing bus lanes and encouraging people to use public transport but this must not be at the expense of other road users.

At the moment this scheme is worsening congestion and this is detrimental to the local economy, the local environment and to the wellbeing of local residents.

I also have serious concerns about safety on this stretch of road and want to state categorically that unless these concerns can be adequately addressed I am quite prepared to look at the whole scheme again.

Councillor Mary Mears
Rottingdean coastal ward leader
Brighton and Hove City Council