Regarding recent correspondence concerning the possible reopening of the railway line between Uckfield and Lewes, I have received phone calls about this matter following the publication of my letter (The Argus, April 2).

The general consensus is the project is not viable. As Lewes cannot be reached from the Uckfield direction due to building developments, the cost of establishing a new link to the existing main lines would be enormous and not a worthwhile investment.

Has any consideration been given to the effect on The Lavender Line, which operates from Isfield station? Would this attraction have to close?

However well intentioned, the proposals do not seem to have much chance of success and perhaps the matter should be allowed to fade away.

If the issue is pursued further may we see firm evidence of the possible route, produced by experts who have taken a look at the scheme from every point of view and have travelled the area?

Trevor Bolton
The Green, Southwick